153 Musicians 3
Emus, Mound Builders & Quail
No.1 Gabriel Clouston : Emu
Booming, drumming and grunting. Booming is created in an inflatable neck sac, and can be heard up to 2 km away.
No.2 Steve Morley : Stubble Quail
Clear, ringing ‘cheery-wit’ and ‘too-too-weep’, last note higher, louder, given repeatedly.
No.3 Alexandra Spence : Brown Quail
Double noted, ascending whistle: ‘pi-pieer’ or ‘tu-wieep’. Sharp chirp in alarm.
Herons Ibis & Spoonbills
No.16 Linsey Polack : White-faced Heron
Various croaking grunting sounds: ‘urrk-urrk-urrk’ ‘arrrgh arrrgh arrrgh’ ‘graaow’ ‘urgk-urg-urgh’.
No.17 Jo Roberts : White-necked Heron
Aloud single or double croak in alarm or flight: ‘argh, aarrgh’. At nest a deep loud ‘oomph!’ a raucous cackle at changeover.
No.18 Michael Bouwman : Great Egret
A gutteral rattling croak. Pizzey
No.19 Michael O Dwyer : Nankeen Night Heron
Various harsh and mosly deep croaks. The alarm is a hoarse but not deep croak, ‘ow-uk’ or ‘qwu-ok’; at roost and nest a more abrupt, nasal ‘auk-auk-ak’.
No.20 Warren Armstrong : Glossy Ibis
Call in flight is an occasional deep grunted croak; if startled gives loud hoarse croaks.
No.21 Vincent Dwyer : Australian White Ibis
A deep grunted ‘urrrk’; in flocks and colonies deep croaked and grunted honkings.
No.22 Andrew Yencken : Straw-necked Ibis
Loud croaks when itending to fly or alarmed and repeatedly on take off. When joining flock anounces arival with rapid series of croaks.
No.23 Andrew Wilkie : Yellow-billed Spoonbill
Usually silent but in threat displays gives soft nasal coughs or grunts, makes clattering sounds with the bill.
No.24 Ruthless Jabiru : Black-necked Stork (Jabiru)
Clacks the bill; somtimes gives gutteral grunts usually in threat or dancing displays.
No.92 Paul Cutlan : Spiny-cheeked Honeyeater
Liquid gurgling notes. ‘Give-the-boy-a-go’ repeated ending in a single abrupt note. Pizzey
No.93 Dave Lawrence Roland : Striped Honeyeater
Atractive mellow and rolling. ‘Free-wheat-peeler-peeler’ rising then falling. Pizzey
No.94 Julian Curwin : Noisy Friarbird
an extraordinary jumble of notes one of which has been interpreted as 4 o'clock’ No Tobacca today (Maureen)
No.95 Ania Reynolds : Little Friarbird
Up here Maureen, up here Maureen’ Maureen. ‘Rackety crook-shank’…raucous and guttural croaking. Morcombe and Stewart
No.96 Kelly Keating : Blue-faced Honeyeater
Penetrating querulous ‘woik, woik, woik’ or ‘queeet, queet’ each note rising at end. Pizzey
No.97 Anders Parslow : Noisy Miner
High-pitched penetrating complaining ‘yoi-yoi-yoi-yoi’ rising at end peeishly. Pizzey
Honeyeaters 2
No.98 Carl Polke : Yellow-throated Miner
Sharp nasal ‘kiek-kiek-kierk’, ‘kweek-kewk’ or ‘kieerk-kieerk’. Morcombe and Stewart
No.99 Jason Keir : Singing Honeyeater
Scratchy peevish ‘scree scree’; dry ‘prrit prrit prrit’; alarm call, ‘crik-crikit-crikit-crickit’, accelerating into running almost machinegun-like note. Pizzey
No.100 Jan & Zac Go : White-eared Honeyeater
Jaring descending ‘chung-chung-chung’, mellow ‘beer-brick, beer-brick’. Pizzey.
No.101 Boyd : Grey-fronted Honeyeater
‘It-wirt, wirt, wirt, wirt’; single sharp note ‘boink’ Pizzey.
No.102 Fane Flaws : Fuscous Honeyeater
Arig-arig-a-taw-taw’; ‘guinea-a-week’; deep metalic rather twanging ‘clitchit-clee-you, clitchit-clee-you’ repeated. Pizzey.
No.103 Nichaud Fitzgibbon : White-plumed Honeyeater
Brisk ‘chickowee’ or ‘chickabiddey’; alarm call a rapid high-pitched strident trill like alarm-clock. Pizzey
No.104 Gregory McLaren : Black-chinned Honeyeater
Curious high-pitched grating, croaking notes, developed into song. Pizzey.
No.105 Mal Webb : Brown Honeyeater
Song remarkably strong sweet and varied ‘sweet-sweet-quarty-quarty’.Pizzey.
Magpie Lark & Flycatchers
No.116 10th Man : Leaden Flycatcher
Deep, slightly harsh, guttural ‘zhirrp’; also strident , farcarying ‘see-hear, see-hear, see-hear’. Pizzey
No.117 Frank Dasent : Restless Flycatcher
A rasping ‘zhap-zhapzhapzhapzhap; a curious sustained grinding churring; a clear repeated whistle each phrase rising at the end like a man whistling a dog. Pizzey.
No.118 Llew & Mara Kiek : Magpie-Lark
Pairs perform wing lifting duets- antiphonal song. ‘Tee-hee, pee-o-wee, pee-o-wit’. Pizzey, Simpson and Day
No.119 Simon Exley : Grey Fantail
Cyclic tinkling song, ending with a strong high note. Warning ‘dik!’. Simpson and Day
No.120 Hannah Coleman : Willie Wagtail
"Sweet pretty creature" chitji chitji (ngaanyatjarra)
No.121 Brent Keogh : Spangled Drongo
Rasping, hissing, crackling. Strange metalic notes, some like a wire-fence being twanged. Simpson and Day, Pizzey.